Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mortal Instruments

I recently wrote a paper for my Senior Seminar class on blockbusters (if you haven't guessed I am a film major by now...surprise!!!) on young adult fiction series that become big blockbuster franchises (or attempt to and fail). One of the books I wrote about was Mortal Instruments and since then I began reading the series and all I can say is I am OBSESSED!!!! The writing is not amazing (which I can say with utmost certainty since I am also reading HP at the moment) but the story is great. It has everything I love, a young girl who thinks she is ordinary one day finds out not only is she special but she is the most special of the special, what could be better! Not to mention a teen romance which sounds cliche but throw the fact that they end up to be related (and then later find out they are not though I am not that far I am just bad with spoilers) it makes for an intriguing story. When I first did research for my paper I thought the concept was dumb, half angles who draw tattoos on themselves for power, but oh was I wrong. Perhaps after I will read Divergence because that synopsis sounds super dumb, maybe it will be the same situation. Anyway I can hardly wait for the movie, hopefully they wont screw it up and luckily there is a sixth book still to come though not for over a year. I don't think I can wait that long. What ever will I do in between. Perhaps read the prequel series Infernal Devices or Beautiful Creatures or I suppose since I already said I would, Divergence. I am gonna be so said when the day comes that I am too old for young adult fiction. I do not care if I am 21, I still think it is some of the best stroytelling. Perhaps the fact that these stories so easily translate into films is what I love about them. Or perhaps its because I so desperately want to wake up one morning and be told that even though I have believed I was ordinary all these years, really I am extraordinary and special. I mean isn't that what we all really want?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

13 Great Fictional Witches

I have always loved witches. Not the satan worshiping kind but the good kind, like Glinda! Seeing as halloween in just around the corner, here is my list of my top 13 favorite witches of all time!!!

#13: Louise Miller

Where she is from: Teen Witch

Why I love her: Who wouldn't want to be told by some crazy psychic that you are actually a powerful witch reincarnated? Plus if I was given magical powers I would probably use them to become popular and make the cutest boy in school fall in love with me too!

#12: Sarah Bailey

Where she is from: The Craft

Why I love her: Besides being a total badass, Sarah had some kick ass powers. My favorite though would have to be her ability to 'glamour' or change her appearance at will. After seeing this movie for the first time I spent more time than I probably should have trying to change the color of my hair just by thinking about it. She also has some other cool powers, like being able to conjure the elements and take out the three bad guys all on her own. 

#11: Sally and Gillian Owens

Where they are from: Practical Magic 

Why I love them: First of all Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are hotties! While the power to bring back the dead is a bit creepy, its still pretty awesome that they can do it. The whole, the men you love will die young, thing was a bit of a turn off though. 

#10: Cassie Hughes

Where she is from: Hex

Why I love her: She is british and her son (who grew up to be a teenager in two seasons) was super hot, enough said! Also Christina Cole, who plays Cassie, also played a Witch (kinda, she was an alien who was mistaken for a witch) on Doctor Who!

#9: The Sanderson Sisters

Where they are from: Hocus Pocus

Why I love them: Ok so maybe these witches are not necessarily good but hey you gotta still love them. There reaction to the modern world is down right hilarious, it almost makes it hard to find them scary. Besides they sing a lot and there is nothing better then singing witches! Not to mention for three hundred year old witches from Salem, they look pretty good!

#8: Wendy

Where she is from: Casper Meets Wendy 

Why I love her: Besides being extremely adorable, she got to hang out with casper, who would be on the top on my favorite ghosts list (perhaps I will make that next!). Plus her red jumper is just darling! This is also my favorite Casper movie because the first one is just insanely sad (and I hate Christina Ricci) and I don't even remember the second one. 

#8: Twitches

Where they are from: Twitches (duh!!!)

Why I love them:  They are twin witches..twitches!!! Get it!!! Also they defeated the big bad darkness when they were only a few hours old, if that is not bad ass I don't know what is. I also like that unlike every other witch on this list, they are from an different dimension (well at least the only ones so far!) 

#7: Bonnie Bennett

Where she is from: The Vampire Diaries

Why I love her: This witch has to deal with Vampire shenanigans on a daily bases. Coming from a long line of witches, she always seems to be able to solve the problems her Vamp friends get in to!

#6: Willow Rosenberg

Where she is from: Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Why I love her: Besides the fact that she has red hair, cause I love red hair, you can't deny she is awesome! Even though she went evil for a bit in the 5th season, she is innocent in an adorable kind of way. Plus she can do some seriously cool magic and she is Jewish (represent!!!). 

#5: Alex Russo

Where she is from: Wizards Of Waverly Place

Why I love her: Ok so technically she is a Wizard but that is basically the same thing. She is also super snarky and keeps her want him her boot which I would totally do if I was a witch. 

#4: Sabrina Spellman

Where she is from: Sabrina The Teenage Witch

Why I love her: My first witchy love! I watched Sabrina back when it was still on air and I was addicted! I even named my dog Sabrina. Plus I always wanted to visit the other realm, unfortunately my linen closet was not also a portal. 

#3: Marnie Piper 

Where she is from: Halloweentown (1-4)

Why I love Her: "Halloween is cool!" You tell 'em Marnie! By far my favorite DCOMs, these films are a quintessential part of my October.  Marnie not only saves Halloweentown after only knowing she is a Witch for like 2 hours but also opens the portal and saves everyone again (and again and again). I met Kimberly J Brown once at a Halloween carnival or charity, it made my life! Gotta love Agatha Cromwell while we are on it too! 
#2: Hermione Granger

Where she is from: Harry Potter

Why I love her: Would any list of the top fictional witches really be complete without ms. Granger. The smartest witch of her age, Hermione always has a clever plan and a trick up her sleave. Plus she is british, plus she marries Ron and is best friends with Harry...what else do you want?! Brains, beauty and a wand to boot. Can't say there aren't days (many days) when I wish I was Hermione!!!

#1: The Charmed Ones

Where they are from: Charmed

Why I love them: And rounding off our list are my all time favorite witches, the Charmed Ones. I have never been so obsessed with a show in my life as Charmed! I even used to play charmed when I was younger and pretend I was a witch (though I wont say exactly what age...). The show may have been cheesy and the effects might not of held up over time but they were sisters first and witches second which is what I always loved. Not to mention there awesome powers! I always liked that they had specific powers instead of just being able to do magic (too general for me). 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Its my favorite time of year...HALLOWEEN!!! Even though Halloween is still a few weeks away, some of my favorite Halloween movies are already popping up on TV!!! I am going to justify my love for some of these movies by the fact that I grew up watching them because if Halloweentown came out now I would probably be too old to watch, though it is an AMAZING movie!!! The Halloweentown franchise and the two twitches movies are definitely up there on my favorite Halloween movie list. Hocus Pocus is also a must watch and we cant forget The Nightmare Before Christmas (the perfect movie for two different holidays!) Those are my staples but I am always switching between other favorites like Beetlejuice and Practical Magic. I also love Halloween tv specials. What could be better then your favorite television characters dressing up and getting into the Halloween spirit. Some of my favorites have got to be Modern Family, Charmed, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and any Disney Channel Halloween special (pretty much I watch a lot of Disney during October, but only during October) I am not sure exactly where my love of Halloween came from. Perhaps it is my love of the weird and strange ( guess I am liek Marnie Piper that way!) but Halloween movies and tv shows definitely helped!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Once Upon A Time Is Back!!!

It is that magical time of year when TV shows start up again and as well all know season premiers are usually epic. Once Upon A Time was no exception. I must say at first I was like ehhh ok w.e. normal episode where they show Storybrooke and the magical world in the past. The weird thing was they didnt show the fairy tale characters in the real world like they usually do. Of course then in the end turns out those characters never went to the real world and that was happening simultaneously which i thought was awesome but none of my friends were impressed by it. I mean I screamed but w.e. people. Anyway bored of writing but great episode, excited to see what is to come!

Fandom Support

I love this! Does it make me a nerd because I think its cute one fandom is being nice to another one? If it does then I will gladly be a nerd!!!

The Angels Take Manhattan

Well the wait is finally over. The angels have taken Manhattan and the Pond's have officially left the TARDIS. I may have to go back and rewatch because i spent the majority of my first screening of the episode clutching my pillow and screaming at the TV to stop. Never the less it was a great episode. I was a bit confused about who that collector guy was or how the hell River got there but who cares? I was too focused on the Ponds. I am not gonna write a whole review because honestly the whole thing was a blur but I did have some favorite parts! First off love the statue of liberty being an angel but I highly doubt there is ever a time someone is not looking at it so it didn't make sense. Didn't really care though cause it was awesome. Amy and Rory jumping was SOOOO sad, especially cause I was not sure if perhaps that was how they were gonna meet there end. In retrospect I gotta say though should have seen that ending coming. Like DUH they get zapped back in time. But why can't the Doctor go back to them when River can (cause she goes back to give Amy the book). Pretty much its just Moffat being a douch (sorry Moffat I do love you but come on). Now they will NEVER come back. I mean even Rose came back and se was stuck in a parallel universe. I would also like to say that I totally called that final seen with little Amelia. Maybe this is me being a pretentious film student but come on guys what else was it gonna be? The ducks...really? I do feel very sad now. IDK if I count the Pond's as my first companions. I started watching this show freshman year of college (I am now a senior YIKES) but I started with older episodes. In fact I think the first doctor I saw was Christopher Eccleston. I can't be sure but I think my first episode was The Empty Child. I actually got into Torchwood first, thanks to my friend Jasmine, and then went back to watch the Doctor Who cross over episodes and then got hooked. Either way I think I will consider Eleven and the Ponds my first because even though I did not see them first, they were the first ones I watched live and in order (cause I have never actually seen all of seasons 1-4 in order). So it is very sad for me to say goodbye them to my first companions. They were also my favorite (cause it deff wasn't Rose or Martha). It will be hard but hopefully this new companion will be good. Guess we will find out in 87 days...but whose counting. Ok some after thoughts or two really. One i cried. I didn't think I would cause I don't usually cry for movies or TV shows but I cried because it was just that sad. Second I also called the whole him erasing him self thing cause river mentioned she got off cause there was no record of the doctor. Just saying Moffat should hire me!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hiding Horcruxes In Plain Site

There is no denying J.K. Rowling is a GENIUS. I love her so much and I think it has a lot to do with this hidden throw away lines she puts in her books, similar to Moffat's throw away lines in Doctor Who. Having seen majority of the movies before reading all the books, I had a unique perspective on things and was able to notice details others might have over looked (what can I say just call me Hermione Granger). I am sure I am not the first to notice this, though I have mentioned it to a few friends who were shocked by what I am about to tell you. We all know J.K Rowling likes to bring back insignificant things from early books and make then SUPER important, take Grindewald (mentioned in the first book on the back of Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog Card) or the Vanishing cabinet Harry hid in the second book which becomes the Death Eaters way into Hogwarts in the sixth book. I know in an interview J.K. Rowling mentioned how she thought it was funny no one noticed that the snake from the first book is actually Nagini, which isn't that funny cause its not super obvious. However these two hidden Horcuxes are! The first one is in the 5th book when everyone is helping to clean up Grimmauld Place. They are all cleaning out an old cabinet and there are a list of random things they find inside. Nothing to striking right. Except the fact that they find a gold locket that no one seems to be able to open. I feel on further inspection this one is a bit more obvious considering we later learn Mundungus went back and stole it from Grimmauld Place, among other things, but still pretty sneaky. This next one is actually my favorite and the one I think most people do not get. In the Half Blood Prince, Harry goes into the room of Requirement to hide the Prince's copy of Advance Potion Making. In order to remember where he left it, he uses an old Tiara to mark the spot. Thats right a Tiara also known as a diadem which turns out to have belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw. I am shocked more people did not notice this considering the Tiara was even mentioned in this book. Anyways perhaps I am underestimating people and its just my friends who are missing these details but I still thought it was pretty damn cool!!!


Not gonna lie did NOT see that one coming. I was a bit behind on Vampire Diaries this season and I am shocked it was not ruined for me. My friend Stephanie had said next season was gonna be interesting but I had NO idea just how right she was. The whole time I was catching up I kept thinking how the hell are they gonna top this? Obviously with the close of a season means the close of a story arc, in this case the originals, because that is how TV works. I was actually a bit discouraged because I felt there was just no way to top this season, boy was I wrong. I know Elena becomes a Vamp in the books but these kind of TV shows always stray, take Pretty Little Liars for example which is a WHOLE other issue I will get into later! True its not exactly like the books (which I have not actually read yet, woops...still working on Harry Potter) but still would not have suspected that. I knew though the second Meredith opened her mouth, that Elena was going to be a Vamp. Also her waking up at the end gave me major Twilight Deja Vu. Anyways guess we will just have to wait till October 11th to find out more!!!!!

Doctor Who Theories

I haven't posted on here in FOREVER!!!! Oh well better late then never. Well seeing as next week is the Fall Finale of Doctor Who and the goodbye to the Ponds, I thought I would make a list of some theories I have on what is going to happen in this episode and what is still to come.

First of on the episode next week. Yesterday I read an interview where Matt Smith said a scene from the Eleventh Hour is going to come back and be important in Angels Take Manhattan. So of course I went back to watch. In the chat rooms a lot of people seem to think that it has to do with either the duck pond with no ducks, the staircase that leads to a third floor in a two story house, Rory getting confused in the hospital, Rory's name tag that was issued in 1990, the continuous mention of fairytales or something about a broach worn by the old women in this episode that was also worn by River in another episode. Personally I think they are all wrong. On the matter of the Ducks. Yes it was weird that was never explained and it bothered me too so I did some digging. Turns out Moffat has said he meant to show the ducks returning to the pond at the end but logistically there was not time. The whole point of the duck pond was to show things had disappeared through the cracks and that Amy could still kind of remember these things anyways. So the chances that this is what Matt was referring to seems unlikely. Next the staircase. This I actually like and was something I hadn't noticed before. There is no denying it is a two story house with a stair case to a third floor. Could this perhaps be something similar to what happened in the lodger episode? Perhaps but either way I do not think it is the scene Matt is referring to. I think the Silence story line is far bigger then just the Ponds and is going to be addressed later. As for Rory being confused in the hospital. There are actually a few cases of similar things happening throughout the series, but especially this particular season. The first shot with the Doctor in this episode where he is hanging out of the TARDIS and looks inside as if he sees something or someone has always puzzled me. Also in the lodger episode Amy acts as if someone is in the TARDIS with her when we know she is alone (or is she). Again there are tons of these examples and its super creepy. I think it has something to do with the Silence and if not is just strange moments that mean nothing (but I hope not). Either way I think that is just something much bigger then the ponds. As for Rory's name tag, and the broach while we are on the subject, I feel that is just a costume error. For one thing the name tag can barely be seen and the broach is something you would have to be paying SUPER close attention to notice. While this could turn out to be something, really i think its just costume logistical stuff. Lastly the continues mention of fairy tales. I will admit it is weird, though I can find few references to it in other episodes. In the most recent episode however Amy makes a comment about bed time stories that I thought might be connected but who knows. If you really want to get into it, perhaps it is all a fairy tale in some way. After all Amy was able to dream up Rory into a centurion, perhaps she dreamt up the whole town. What leads me to believe there may be some merit to this theory or to the idea that the mention of fairy tales is important, is the town itself. Its not a real town. Why use a made up town? Whats more strange is the name of the town, Leadworth is an anagram for Dr. Who Late (or Late Dr. Who, whatever way you want). Perhaps amy created this whole town and named in,perhaps even subconsciously, after her sadness of the Doctor leaving her. This is a bit out there but who knows could come back. Still not the scene I think Matt is referencing. So what is the scene you ask. Well at the end of the episode before the Doctor comes back for Amy, we see young Amelia waiting with her suitcase for the Doctor. We hear the sound of the TARDIS and she looks up and smiles. Now I suppose this could be a dream, seeing as the next shot is of older Amy waking up to the sound of the TARDIS, but I don't think it is. I never thought it was a dream actually, the thought never crossed my mind until I read someone saying it online. No I always figured the Doctor had gone back for her but I never put much thought into this scene or how that made any sense, it was just a fact that the Doctor kept his promise and went for her. I think in this last episode that is exactly what he is going to do. Why and when, I don't know but I have a lot of faith in this theory. Its similar to how there was a strange scene of the Doctor talking to Amy in his jacket even though his jacket had been taken by angels (or something like that). Later we find out its a future doctor, traveling back in time as the crack shuts. I guess however we will just have to wait until saturday to see!

A few other things I do not think will be addressed in this upcoming episode but I do not think Moffat will forget, starting with the Silence. Was anyone else unsatisfied by how the silence story line was tied up? Perhaps thats because it is not. Dorium told the Doctor that Trenzalor and the end of eleven still await him. That silence will fall when the question is asked (or is it answered). i think that in Matt's final episode (which hopefully is NEVER) he will travel to the Forest of Trenzalor to face off with the silence once more and perhaps his real name will be revealed. Perhaps that is how River knows it because even though it looked like he told her at the end of last season, really we learn he was just telling her he was in a robot suit.

Another smaller theory I have is this idea of the Doctor being erased from history.  Perhaps it even goes back into my last point. Moffat had said this was going to be a focus now, the Doctor trying to make people forget him because he has obviously gotten too popular if all these people want to kill him.  We see this already right away in the first episode of these season where Oswin erases the Doctor from the Dalkes memory. Later in the Dinosaur episode, Solomon scans the Doctor to find out who he is but nothing comes up. Coincidence, i think not.

Lastly on a fun note, did anyone notice the genius that is Moffat in the last three episodes. In the Dinosaur episode Queen Nefertiti asks Amy if she is a Queen too and she says yes, which I thought was just a funny line and Amy's way of saying she is in charge. Later in the town of Mercy Rory makes a comment that the electricity is only a few years early and the Doctor says that is the same thing he said when he left his phone charger with Henry IV. Funny throw away lines or sheer GENIUS? I am going to go with GENIUS because in this most recent episode, the Doctor take Amy and Rory on a 7 week adventure during their anniversary party. During this trip the threesome have a run in with Henry IV where Amy accidentally marrys him, making her a Queen, and Rory leaves his phone charger behind. Now whether or not this will actually be of huge importance I don't know. But it was really cool! It also means at least those two episodes happened during the cube episode. Whether or not that is important again I don't know. Only time (wish I had a TARDIS now) will tell!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

My new obsession (as of thursday) is The Hunger Games!!! With the movie coming out in just a few months I thought I would get a head start and read the series. I will say at first I did not like it. I actually started reading a few weeks ago but only got about 10 pages in and kind of gave up. Well I am glad I gave it a second go because it has only been 4 days and I am already 1/3 of the way through with the second book (and I am a slow reader and have a lot of Homework so that is a lot!) This book series is AMAZING and I recommend it to everyone. It is a high octane (whatever that means, I just hear it a lot) thriller that will not allow to you put it down. I literally showed up 30 minutes late to a friends house because I was reading, and I am a very punctual person. The story takes place in the not to far off future where North America has become the new country of Panem. As most stories about the future go this is about a dystopian society (my favorite!!!!) After a rebellion from the Districts against the Capital 74 years prior to the book, the Capital, who one the war, forces each district to select one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete in a Battle Royale style tournament called The Hunger Games to pay for their crimes in the rebellion (even though none of them were even born when it happened). The story is told from the point of view of Katniss Everdeen, who becomes one of the tributes after volunteering in her sisters place. It is intense and filled with action, drama and romance! I wont comment on the rest of the series yet because I am still reading but so far this series is one of my favorites. Then again i said that about Twilight a few years ago, but hey the books aren't half bad. I can't wait for the movie and to find out what happens next. Well I am off to go read but if you get the chance pick up this book because you wont regret it.


Welcome to "I'm A Huge Fan" a blog dedicated to all the things I am a HUGE fan of including Doctor Who, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Once Upon A Time and anything and everything else that is just awesome and cool. Here you will find the latest news on the best in fandom entertainment (made up term for all forms of entertainment that tend to have a strong fan base) as well as my own opinions on things as I read, watch or just reminisce. So stay tune cause who knows, this might be kinda cool!!!