Sunday, September 23, 2012


Not gonna lie did NOT see that one coming. I was a bit behind on Vampire Diaries this season and I am shocked it was not ruined for me. My friend Stephanie had said next season was gonna be interesting but I had NO idea just how right she was. The whole time I was catching up I kept thinking how the hell are they gonna top this? Obviously with the close of a season means the close of a story arc, in this case the originals, because that is how TV works. I was actually a bit discouraged because I felt there was just no way to top this season, boy was I wrong. I know Elena becomes a Vamp in the books but these kind of TV shows always stray, take Pretty Little Liars for example which is a WHOLE other issue I will get into later! True its not exactly like the books (which I have not actually read yet, woops...still working on Harry Potter) but still would not have suspected that. I knew though the second Meredith opened her mouth, that Elena was going to be a Vamp. Also her waking up at the end gave me major Twilight Deja Vu. Anyways guess we will just have to wait till October 11th to find out more!!!!!

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