Wednesday, October 10, 2012

13 Great Fictional Witches

I have always loved witches. Not the satan worshiping kind but the good kind, like Glinda! Seeing as halloween in just around the corner, here is my list of my top 13 favorite witches of all time!!!

#13: Louise Miller

Where she is from: Teen Witch

Why I love her: Who wouldn't want to be told by some crazy psychic that you are actually a powerful witch reincarnated? Plus if I was given magical powers I would probably use them to become popular and make the cutest boy in school fall in love with me too!

#12: Sarah Bailey

Where she is from: The Craft

Why I love her: Besides being a total badass, Sarah had some kick ass powers. My favorite though would have to be her ability to 'glamour' or change her appearance at will. After seeing this movie for the first time I spent more time than I probably should have trying to change the color of my hair just by thinking about it. She also has some other cool powers, like being able to conjure the elements and take out the three bad guys all on her own. 

#11: Sally and Gillian Owens

Where they are from: Practical Magic 

Why I love them: First of all Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are hotties! While the power to bring back the dead is a bit creepy, its still pretty awesome that they can do it. The whole, the men you love will die young, thing was a bit of a turn off though. 

#10: Cassie Hughes

Where she is from: Hex

Why I love her: She is british and her son (who grew up to be a teenager in two seasons) was super hot, enough said! Also Christina Cole, who plays Cassie, also played a Witch (kinda, she was an alien who was mistaken for a witch) on Doctor Who!

#9: The Sanderson Sisters

Where they are from: Hocus Pocus

Why I love them: Ok so maybe these witches are not necessarily good but hey you gotta still love them. There reaction to the modern world is down right hilarious, it almost makes it hard to find them scary. Besides they sing a lot and there is nothing better then singing witches! Not to mention for three hundred year old witches from Salem, they look pretty good!

#8: Wendy

Where she is from: Casper Meets Wendy 

Why I love her: Besides being extremely adorable, she got to hang out with casper, who would be on the top on my favorite ghosts list (perhaps I will make that next!). Plus her red jumper is just darling! This is also my favorite Casper movie because the first one is just insanely sad (and I hate Christina Ricci) and I don't even remember the second one. 

#8: Twitches

Where they are from: Twitches (duh!!!)

Why I love them:  They are twin witches..twitches!!! Get it!!! Also they defeated the big bad darkness when they were only a few hours old, if that is not bad ass I don't know what is. I also like that unlike every other witch on this list, they are from an different dimension (well at least the only ones so far!) 

#7: Bonnie Bennett

Where she is from: The Vampire Diaries

Why I love her: This witch has to deal with Vampire shenanigans on a daily bases. Coming from a long line of witches, she always seems to be able to solve the problems her Vamp friends get in to!

#6: Willow Rosenberg

Where she is from: Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Why I love her: Besides the fact that she has red hair, cause I love red hair, you can't deny she is awesome! Even though she went evil for a bit in the 5th season, she is innocent in an adorable kind of way. Plus she can do some seriously cool magic and she is Jewish (represent!!!). 

#5: Alex Russo

Where she is from: Wizards Of Waverly Place

Why I love her: Ok so technically she is a Wizard but that is basically the same thing. She is also super snarky and keeps her want him her boot which I would totally do if I was a witch. 

#4: Sabrina Spellman

Where she is from: Sabrina The Teenage Witch

Why I love her: My first witchy love! I watched Sabrina back when it was still on air and I was addicted! I even named my dog Sabrina. Plus I always wanted to visit the other realm, unfortunately my linen closet was not also a portal. 

#3: Marnie Piper 

Where she is from: Halloweentown (1-4)

Why I love Her: "Halloween is cool!" You tell 'em Marnie! By far my favorite DCOMs, these films are a quintessential part of my October.  Marnie not only saves Halloweentown after only knowing she is a Witch for like 2 hours but also opens the portal and saves everyone again (and again and again). I met Kimberly J Brown once at a Halloween carnival or charity, it made my life! Gotta love Agatha Cromwell while we are on it too! 
#2: Hermione Granger

Where she is from: Harry Potter

Why I love her: Would any list of the top fictional witches really be complete without ms. Granger. The smartest witch of her age, Hermione always has a clever plan and a trick up her sleave. Plus she is british, plus she marries Ron and is best friends with Harry...what else do you want?! Brains, beauty and a wand to boot. Can't say there aren't days (many days) when I wish I was Hermione!!!

#1: The Charmed Ones

Where they are from: Charmed

Why I love them: And rounding off our list are my all time favorite witches, the Charmed Ones. I have never been so obsessed with a show in my life as Charmed! I even used to play charmed when I was younger and pretend I was a witch (though I wont say exactly what age...). The show may have been cheesy and the effects might not of held up over time but they were sisters first and witches second which is what I always loved. Not to mention there awesome powers! I always liked that they had specific powers instead of just being able to do magic (too general for me). 

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