Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Angels Take Manhattan

Well the wait is finally over. The angels have taken Manhattan and the Pond's have officially left the TARDIS. I may have to go back and rewatch because i spent the majority of my first screening of the episode clutching my pillow and screaming at the TV to stop. Never the less it was a great episode. I was a bit confused about who that collector guy was or how the hell River got there but who cares? I was too focused on the Ponds. I am not gonna write a whole review because honestly the whole thing was a blur but I did have some favorite parts! First off love the statue of liberty being an angel but I highly doubt there is ever a time someone is not looking at it so it didn't make sense. Didn't really care though cause it was awesome. Amy and Rory jumping was SOOOO sad, especially cause I was not sure if perhaps that was how they were gonna meet there end. In retrospect I gotta say though should have seen that ending coming. Like DUH they get zapped back in time. But why can't the Doctor go back to them when River can (cause she goes back to give Amy the book). Pretty much its just Moffat being a douch (sorry Moffat I do love you but come on). Now they will NEVER come back. I mean even Rose came back and se was stuck in a parallel universe. I would also like to say that I totally called that final seen with little Amelia. Maybe this is me being a pretentious film student but come on guys what else was it gonna be? The ducks...really? I do feel very sad now. IDK if I count the Pond's as my first companions. I started watching this show freshman year of college (I am now a senior YIKES) but I started with older episodes. In fact I think the first doctor I saw was Christopher Eccleston. I can't be sure but I think my first episode was The Empty Child. I actually got into Torchwood first, thanks to my friend Jasmine, and then went back to watch the Doctor Who cross over episodes and then got hooked. Either way I think I will consider Eleven and the Ponds my first because even though I did not see them first, they were the first ones I watched live and in order (cause I have never actually seen all of seasons 1-4 in order). So it is very sad for me to say goodbye them to my first companions. They were also my favorite (cause it deff wasn't Rose or Martha). It will be hard but hopefully this new companion will be good. Guess we will find out in 87 days...but whose counting. Ok some after thoughts or two really. One i cried. I didn't think I would cause I don't usually cry for movies or TV shows but I cried because it was just that sad. Second I also called the whole him erasing him self thing cause river mentioned she got off cause there was no record of the doctor. Just saying Moffat should hire me!

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