Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mortal Instruments

I recently wrote a paper for my Senior Seminar class on blockbusters (if you haven't guessed I am a film major by now...surprise!!!) on young adult fiction series that become big blockbuster franchises (or attempt to and fail). One of the books I wrote about was Mortal Instruments and since then I began reading the series and all I can say is I am OBSESSED!!!! The writing is not amazing (which I can say with utmost certainty since I am also reading HP at the moment) but the story is great. It has everything I love, a young girl who thinks she is ordinary one day finds out not only is she special but she is the most special of the special, what could be better! Not to mention a teen romance which sounds cliche but throw the fact that they end up to be related (and then later find out they are not though I am not that far I am just bad with spoilers) it makes for an intriguing story. When I first did research for my paper I thought the concept was dumb, half angles who draw tattoos on themselves for power, but oh was I wrong. Perhaps after I will read Divergence because that synopsis sounds super dumb, maybe it will be the same situation. Anyway I can hardly wait for the movie, hopefully they wont screw it up and luckily there is a sixth book still to come though not for over a year. I don't think I can wait that long. What ever will I do in between. Perhaps read the prequel series Infernal Devices or Beautiful Creatures or I suppose since I already said I would, Divergence. I am gonna be so said when the day comes that I am too old for young adult fiction. I do not care if I am 21, I still think it is some of the best stroytelling. Perhaps the fact that these stories so easily translate into films is what I love about them. Or perhaps its because I so desperately want to wake up one morning and be told that even though I have believed I was ordinary all these years, really I am extraordinary and special. I mean isn't that what we all really want?